Archive for September, 2017

Not Enough Posts…
September 8, 2017

I have been failing to post much lately.  And it’s just a shame.  There are tons of things going on that have to do with water quality issues and I just haven’t had the time to write.

We have contaminants in abundance in our water.  You can taste how bad it is when you compare it with bottled water.  I actually bought 6 different bottled waters and poured each into a glass.  And I had a glass of tap water too.  When I wasn’t looking, my wife labeled all the glasses A thru G and noted which brand got which letter.  So I did a blind taste test.  Some of the water was okay or just different tasting.  The tap water was hideous.  It tasted like dirt.  By far it was the worst tasting water and easy to pick out.  The winner for me was actually Evian.  It was surprising clean to taste.  But I cannot get that out of the tap.  Bummer.

This video below wasn’t my test but it gives you an idea of what I did.  Sort of…

We actually have a countertop filter that I like.  Because we rent a whole house water filter isn’t practical.  The landlord ain’t going for it.  So we use a Multipure filter.  It is a solid block of carbon and definitely helps the taste.  Replacement is done once a year.

Amazon is riddled with what I would consider to be stupid water filters.  All the connect to the faucet crap like PUR is just shit.  A Dixie cup size bit of carbon or less is not going to filter water for more than a couple day/weeks before you have to replace it.  And no one is diligent about replacing them.  At least the one we have is beefy in construction with it’s giant chunk of carbon.

I think the pitcher filters that go in the fridge are lame too.  With the quality of water nowadays the pores of carbon will fill up fast with chemical gunk.  We should probably replace ours more often too even though it’s about 9 inches of solid carbon.  I cut one open once and they are dense.

If you don’t have a filter, you should research it and get a GOOD one.  Not one of the cheap ones that does little to no good.

Like another example of a bad one is the Aquasana shower filter.  Seriously, the amount of water that flows through one of those…  the filter probably isn’t much good about 5 showers.  The only way to effectively filter shower water is with a whole house filter.  There just isn’t a proven way other than that to do it.

One Ford Road Pinhole Leaks – The Solution is Here.
September 8, 2017

The word is the folks living in the One Ford Road Newport Beach, CA neighborhood have been getting hit hard with pinhole leaks in their cooper plumbing.  Up until now everyone has been getting repiped with cooper, PEX plastic tubing or getting epoxy blown into the pinhole pipes.  That’s super expensive.  I feel bad for homeowners with this problem.  My folks had a pinhole leaks in the floor a while back and it was heart breaking.  The front hallway had to be torn up.  That kind of thing is upsetting to your life.

Anyway, there is a less expensive option that has many benefits and that’s to filter out the chemicals that are helping the pinholes form and grow.  It’s not really a pipe quality issue from what I’ve heard.  It’s the chemicals in the water are causing pimples to form and then erode into full blown leaks.

The only company that seems to know what they are doing in this solution is Pure Elements Water out of Newport Beach.  They will match the filter media to the chemicals found in the water supply and get those chemicals out.  You not only get a massively reduced risk of leaks but you get much healthier water to use in the household.

From what I’ve heard other companies will just tell BS in order to sell you and in a few months you will be no better off.  I hate that.  At least that’s what I heard from a friend who had a run in with Home Depot and Lifesource sales people when he wanted a home water filtration system.

Our water quality in Orange County CA just isn’t what it used to be.  While the “bugs” and bacteria might be removed, the chemicals used to kill them can hurt us too.  It’s a smart move to take those contaminants out of the water entirely or at least to the best of your ability.  Chlorine and chloramines are not something you want to drink or bath in.  Get them out.

Below is a video I found from Pure Elements Water.  I think if you have the pinhole leaks or quality water issues they would be worth talking too and asking some questions.